You know the feeling when planning a drive in your beloved sports car … checking the weather forecast every other hour to see if the forecast improves to at least dry and hopefully sunny. Well, The Bends&Curves Sauerland Run 2024 was all about that, but thankfully also about driving fun, companionship and good times. Check out the tour video below!

Sauerland Run 2024 tour video

Sauerland is a rural, hilly area spreading across most of the south-eastern part of North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany), in parts heavily forested and, apart from the major valleys, sparsely inhabited. Add the very well maintained roads outside the villages, with a speed limit of 100 km/h, and it’s clear this area comes close to sports car heaven. The participants – almost 40 cars and 60 people – assembled on a Wednesday afternoon in April at a hotel to enjoy the coffee and cake in abundance. We had a hard time with disappointing people, so we thought let’s give it a try with a big group this time – no regrets!

Although the weather forecast wasn’t very promising, right at te start the clouds disappeared and the stayed away on Thursday as well. We drove amazing roads – compared to the Eifel area, where our previous Spring tours took place, there’s a bit more traffic on the roads, but the scenery comes closer to ‘mountains’.

On Friday, when driving in the Winterberg ski resort area, the weather turned and we experienced snow for the first time during one of our tours. Although it makes a tour memorable, it’s not good for driving rear wheel drive sports cars.

Most participants decided to stay in the lower parts of Sauerland and some visited a very special car museum. All in all good fun was had!

On Saturday, the Sauerland Run 2024 came to an end at Classic Remise in Düsseldorf with an Italian style buffet lunch. The winner of the ‘Tour Topper’ award, Jonathan Vervaet – he was rewarderd for helping out the only breakdown we had – was celebrated and the beautiful cars at Classic Remise were admired. It was a very worthy start of the 2024 driving season, we believe!


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